National Domestic Violence Hotline

National Domestic Violence Hotline is a website for the National Domestic Violence Hotline, which is a national organization that provides resources and support to individuals affected by domestic violence. The website provides information on domestic violence, resources for survivors, and ways to get help. It also allows for people to chat or call the hotline for confidential support.

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How does alcohol harm my health?

How does alcohol harm my health?

Alcohol consumption can have a variety of negative effects on health. Some of the most serious risks include liver disease, cancer, heart disease, and mental health problems. Long-term excessive alcohol use can lead to a number of serious health problems, including high blood pressure, liver damage, and an increased risk of certain cancers. Drinking can also lead to addiction, accidents, and other forms of injury, and it can worsen existing mental health conditions. Additionally, alcohol can disrupt your sleep patterns and cause memory problems. Alcohol can harm your health in many ways, both in the short term and in the long term.

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How Can Physical Activity Help Reduce Gum Disease?

How Can Physical Activity Help Reduce Gum Disease?

Physical activity can help reduce gum disease by improving circulation, which allows the body to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the gums. It can also help reduce stress, which is a known risk factor for gum disease. Regular physical activity can help control weight and blood sugar levels, both of which can also contribute to gum disease. However, it's important to note that physical activity alone is not enough to prevent gum disease; it should be combined with good oral hygiene habits such as brushing and flossing.

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10 Japanese Concepts to live by

10 Japanese Concepts to live by

The Japanese for centuries have been recognized for these concepts that reveal the secret to living longer and a more meaningful life. As we are new in our new year, these 10 Japanese concepts can transform your life giving you a new beginning and a fresh start with self love and confidence and a sense of purpose. Learn these concepts and practice them to help improve your lifestyle and everyday patterns in life. 

First you will learn what each concept is and what it means, then you will learn how to live by each concept and how to practice each concept daily.

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Aging and oral health

Aging and oral health

As people age, they may be more likely to take multiple medications, which can have an impact on oral health. Some medications can cause dry mouth, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Other medications can cause changes in taste and appetite, which can lead to poor nutrition and oral health problems. Additionally, some medications can cause changes in the color of the teeth or the tissues in the mouth. It's important for older adults to talk to their dentist and physician about any medications they are taking and how they may impact oral health.

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How does kindness help with depression and anxiety?

How does kindness help with depression and anxiety?

Kindness, it's great to give and it feels great to receive. A study was done saying that acts of kindness can cure depression and anxiety. Performing good deeds can lead to a great amount of mental health improvements. The acts of kindness towards others can result in feeling more connected with people. This helps because when you’re showing acts of kindness it can take your mind off of the negative thoughts that you otherwise would feel if you weren't doing something kind. What is an act of kindness? It is a big or small act that benefits others or makes others happy. Encouraging words for a friend, baking cookies to give to employees, giving a ride to someone, helping the homeless and many other acts can be attributed to a good deed of kindness. 

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A Teenagers Nutritional Health Needs

A Teenagers Nutritional Health Needs

As your child turns into a teenager they will be pretty much making their own decisions as far as what to wear for the day, what music to listen to and what friends to hang out with. They also may be ready to make decisions about eating healthy and taking care of their body. There are many important nutrients for a growing teenager's development.

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Why are check ups essential?

Why are check ups essential?

Check ups are essential if you want to maintain a healthy oral health. It's recommended to see a dentist every 6 months but some patients may need to see their dentist/hygienist every 3-4 months.  It's important to be seen at a check up because at this appointment the doctor will do a routine check up that consists of a full mouth evaluation, x rays and inta-oral imaging. This will help the dentist find any abnormalities that otherwise may go unnoticed. Some of the most common issues that go unnoticed when checks are not routine are tooth decay, oral cancer, gum disease, swollen lymph nodes and  clenching of the jaw just to name a few.

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Have you ever heard of blue zones?

Have you ever heard of blue zones?

Currently the average life expectancy for Americans is around 77 years old and dropping, according to the CDC. This is due to the so-called diseases of despair like alcoholism, depression and suicide. 

In the Blue Zones of the world, however, humans consistently live the longest, reaching up to and over a healthy and active 100 years old.

So,What is a blue zone? And where did the theory originate from?

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What are the benefits of chia seeds?

What are the benefits of chia seeds?

What exactly are chia seeds? Where do they come from? And what are the benefits of this amazing superfood?

Chia seeds have gained plenty of attention due to the amazing benefits they give to the body. Chia seeds are an excellent source of fiber; this helps the digestive system regulate normally daily. Chia seeds are HUGE  in Omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 is known to help with organ and body function —which then can help with heart disease, stroke and many other conditions.

Not only are chia seeds great with omega-3 fatty acid and fiber, but they also contains protein and a bunch of minerals that our bodies need daily like iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. Research suggests that chia seeds consumed daily can really help improve your health that may be at risk with high cholesterol, high blood pressure and more.

They are from a plant called Salvia Hispanica. They are edible seeds from the mint family.  We believe their origin to be from Central America.

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5 teeth whitening trends

5 teeth whitening trends

Teeth whitening is not for everyone. But for those of us who do want a brighter smile, there are some new trends that have been very popular amongst people looking for a brighter smile. But are these trends good? Do they actually whiten the teeth or are they actually in fact damaging the teeth or doing nothing at all? Let's take a closer look at the top 5 whitening trends that are going on right now. Some may be beneficial and some may be actually harming the enamel.

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10 tips to reduce grinding and TMJ issues

10 tips to reduce grinding and TMJ issues

Grinding or clenching your teeth is known as Bruxism. You may be unaware if you are clenching during the day or grinding and clenching during the night. Occasional teeth grinding doesn't cause harm, but if teeth grinding occurs on a regular basis and has been going on for a long time, it will cause damage and wear on the teeth causing other oral health problems. But why do people grind their teeth? Some reasons may be due to anxiety and stress, an abnormal bite or crooked teeth and by a sleep disorder or sleep apnea.

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How can diabetes affect my gums and teeth?

How  can diabetes affect my gums and teeth?

One of the most chronic diseases in patients is diabetes. When you come into the dental office you will fill out a medical history form. You and the doctor will review your medical history and go over your oral health. A very common oral disease associated with diabetes is periodontitis also known as gum disease. Periodontal changes may be one of many signs of diabetes in the body. Periodontal disease is examined and determined by visible inflammation, depth of gum pockets measured between tooth and gums, recession of gums and bone loss.

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What is diabetes and how can I help prevent it?

What is diabetes and how can I help prevent it?

Diabetes is a disease that happens when your blood sugar is too high. Blood glucose is another name for blood sugar. Your blood glucose is the main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. The pancreas makes a hormone called insulin. This helps glucose from foods get into your cells to be used for energy. For one reason or another some bodies can’t make enough insulin or any at all. When this happens, glucose tends to stay stuck in your blood and can't reach your cells. Overtime, having glucose stuck in the blood will cause many health problems like heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, dental disease, nerve damage and many more.

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Dangers of Energy Drinks

Dangers of Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are loaded with sugar and high amounts of caffeine. Large amounts of caffeine can have a huge danger effect on the heart and blood vessels. The caffeine alone in energy drinks can cause heart rhythm disturbances and can increase heart rate and blood pressure. The stimulants in energy drinks can be awful to the nervous system. Consumed quickly, the caffeine and sugar rush into your bloodstream, giving you a jolt and raising your blood sugars making your heart race really fast. Some of the dangers of energy drinks include anxiety, sleep problems, heart complications, depression and dehydration.

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11 Superfoods that lower high cholesterol

11 Superfoods that lower high cholesterol

First let's know what cholesterol is. Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in our blood. Our body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells. For a child and adult a healthy cholesterol level is under 200 mg/dl. Cholesterol levels over 200 mg/dl is considered high cholesterol. High cholesterol is a medical condition called hyperlipidemia. Hyperlipidemia is mainly caused by not exercising enough, being overweight, eating lots of fatty foods and it can also run in our genes. Too much cholesterol can block your blood vessels causing heart problems or even a stroke.

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