How can diabetes affect my gums and teeth?

How  can diabetes affect my gums and teeth?

One of the most chronic diseases in patients is diabetes. When you come into the dental office you will fill out a medical history form. You and the doctor will review your medical history and go over your oral health. A very common oral disease associated with diabetes is periodontitis also known as gum disease. Periodontal changes may be one of many signs of diabetes in the body. Periodontal disease is examined and determined by visible inflammation, depth of gum pockets measured between tooth and gums, recession of gums and bone loss.

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What is diabetes and how can I help prevent it?

What is diabetes and how can I help prevent it?

Diabetes is a disease that happens when your blood sugar is too high. Blood glucose is another name for blood sugar. Your blood glucose is the main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. The pancreas makes a hormone called insulin. This helps glucose from foods get into your cells to be used for energy. For one reason or another some bodies can’t make enough insulin or any at all. When this happens, glucose tends to stay stuck in your blood and can't reach your cells. Overtime, having glucose stuck in the blood will cause many health problems like heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, dental disease, nerve damage and many more.

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