10 tips to reduce grinding and TMJ issues

Grinding or clenching your teeth is known as Bruxism. You may be unaware if you are clenching during the day or grinding and clenching during the night. Occasional teeth grinding doesn't cause harm, but if teeth grinding occurs on a regular basis and has been going on for a long time, it will cause damage and wear on the teeth causing other oral health problems. But why do people grind their teeth? Some reasons may be due to anxiety and stress, an abnormal bite or crooked teeth and by a sleep disorder or sleep apnea. 

Some people may be unaware they even grind their teeth because most people grind their teeth at night. A way to tell if you're grinding at night could be a sore jaw when you wake up or a headache.

Here are 10 tips to help with reducing  grinding of your  teeth and tmj issues

  1. Dim the lights and lower temperatures to upper 60’s

  2. Try and stay away from stimulants like coffee, alcohol and sugar

  3. Limit screen time 1-2 hours before bed

  4. Go to bed at a regular time and try to sleep using a good pillow for neck and shoulder support.

  5. Do a self sleep study

  6. Avoid hard foods and gum chewing

  7. Heat and ice, use moist heat from a heat pack or a cold pack. Do not use cold pack for more than 10-15 min

  8. Exercise. There are a few jaw exercises you can ask your dental professional about.

  9. Get a bite guard. Call and make an appointment today for a 3d scan and a guard.

  10. Take ibuprofen as needed for short-term pain and anti-inflammatory