Carriere appliance

The carriere appliance helps align mis-aligned back teeth before braces or invisalign treatment begins. The appliance moves the bite for a more aligned appearance. Aligning the bite before treatment can greatly reduce treatment time. It helps avoid headgear or even surgery in many cases.

On Average the carriere appliance can take about 6 months if not quicker. 

The appliance is bonded to your teeth. Elastics are worn at the beginning of treatment. Replace your elastics 2-3 times per day or after every meal. It is very important to wear the elastics or else the appliance cannot do its job. Not wearing the elastics can lead to treatment lasting way longer than six months.  Avoid any hard or sticky foods to prevent the appliance from breaking.

With the carriere appliance you can brush and floss as normal. No special cleaning is required but do take extra good care to clean around the appliance.

When you first wear the carriere appliance there may be some discomfort by the cheeks as your mouth is getting used to the appliance. The discomfort should subside in a week or so. The molars or canines that may be attached to the appliance may feel some soreness as well.  Over the counter pain reliever medication may be used as needed for discomfort.

The carriere appliance is hardly noticeable. It will not affect your speech.

A beautiful smile enhances your quality of life. Give Dr. Cajee’s Dental Office a call today to schedule an appointment for a consultation to show you how easy it is to obtain your desired smile!