12 tips to get the best sleep possible

Sleep is very important for dental health, mental health and physical health. Bad sleep can trigger Bruxism, which can lead to dental problems, like chipped teeth and jaw pain. Bruxism can speed up the aging process of our smiles. Sadly, many of us are not getting enough sleep or enough good quality sleep. Only 2 in 5 Americans say their sleep is “excellent.” A recent survey revealed sleep tips of people who say they sleep really, really well. 

  1. Go to bed by 939pm. “To create an impactful sleep routine,” says JD Velilla, Head of Sleep Experience at Serta Simmons Bedding, “I suggest starting with what time you need to wake up, then counting back 7.5 hours (or five 90-minute sleep cycles) from there to determine your ideal bedtime.

  2. Make sure your room is comfortably cool.

  3. You can leave a little light on (like a night light); else complete darkness.

  4. A little sound helps some; others prefer silence.

  5. The best combo for excellent sleep seems to be a silent room with a little light.

  6. Keep a favorite, comfy blanket nearby year-round.

  7. Leave at least an hour between your last meal and the time you go to bed.

  8. Sleep with two pillows on a medium-support mattress.

  9. Having a dental and skincare regimen helps in the half hour before bed.

  10. A white noise machine can help.

  11. Stick to a sleep routine.

  12. Take a nap if needed. After a bad night of sleep, napping just 30 minutes can really help.

Note: These tips were from a larger survey of 2,000 Americans about their sleep habits.