Do You Really Know What Your Dental Hygienist Does?

It may sound crazy to go to the dentist if your teeth feel fine. Right? Having a regular professional dental cleaning has at least 6 benefits you might not be aware of PLUS 3 things your dental hygienist will do at your visit.

  1. A dental hygienist is a dental professional who helps you take care of your oral hygiene. Dental hygienists are uniquely qualified to assess your oral hygiene status and recommend the best course of action.

  2. Our dental hygienists at Dr. Cajee’s dental office in Manteca, CA play a very important role in your dental care coaching you to optimal oral health.

  3. Consumption of different foods containing sugar overtime will cause soft and sticky film deposits on your teeth to form plaque. The bacteria in plaque interact with sugars and release acidic substances that cause tooth decay and periodontal disease.
    If not removed daily, plaque can harden into tartar. Tartar is hard calcified deposits that coat the teeth and gums. Tartar can damage both your teeth and gums and will lead to gum inflammation —  a condition that includes swollen and painful gums along with occasional bleeding. 

  4. Moreover, you may also have loose teeth with higher chances of them falling out. And let's not forget bad breath. Yuck!

  5. The acid produced by plaque is highly corrosive and attacks the enamel. If you are not taking care of your oral hygiene regularly with professional cleanings, you may need expensive and complex tooth replacement or restoration solutions. 

  6. However, this can be avoided by scheduling regular visits to see a dental hygienist. Your dental hygienist will assist and give you a detailed overview of your dental health.

1. Some Questions and Your History

First, the hygienist is going to ask you some questions about your brushing and flossing habits and your dental history. The hygienist will ask if you use a manual or electric toothbrush.  This will allow the hygienist to get an idea of how your teeth are cared for, and this is a great time to evaluate your own oral hygiene. Are you flossing as often as you should? Has it been too long since you’ve replaced your toothbrush? Are you using the best kind of toothbrush for your teeth and gums? These are questions that can get answered in your conversation with the hygienist.

2. Periodontal Charting aka “The Gum Exam”

Second, the hygienist is going to take measurements of your  gums. This is called periodontal charting.  Periodontal charting monitors your gum health by measuring the space between your teeth and the surrounding gum tissue. This information is vital because it can provide insights into the overall health of your teeth, gums, and jaws. It will measure recession in the gums. Gum recession can indicate brushing too hard, periodontal disease, and other conditions

Sometimes the hygienist has an assistant. The hygienist  will probe and measure your gum line, calling out measurements in millimeters to the assistant. Numbers between 0-3 millimeters mean your gums are healthy. Numbers over 3 often indicate that your home brushing and flossing routine could be improved. Numbers of 5 or higher indicate oral health issues.

3. Cleaning, Polishing and Flossing

Lastly, it’s time for your cleaning or in dental terminology a “prophylaxis”. The hygienist will use metal instruments known as scalers  to remove any deposits. The Hygienist may also use a cavitron, an ultrasonic scaler which uses high frequency vibrations and water flow to clean the teeth efficiently. The Hygienist will frequently rinse your mouth with water throughout this process and use a suction (straw-like tip) to remove the water and debris from your mouth. After any deposits are removed, the hygienist will use a motorized small rubber cup and polishing paste to polish the teeth. As the final step of the process, the hygienist will give you a good flossing then send you on your way with some goodies like toothpaste, floss, and a toothbrush.

The order of these steps may vary somewhat, but generally, this is what you can expect from your hygienist and a routine professional dental cleaning.

At Dr. Cajee’s dental office in Manteca, our friendly staff and comfortable office will make the experience as smooth as possible. Call or text us at (209) 825-6000 to schedule your cleaning today . Or, fill out a contact form on our website.