3 major oral health risks of alcohol

3 major oral health risks of alcohol

Alcohol consumption is a common habit for many individuals worldwide. It is often seen as a social activity that helps people to relax and unwind after a long day. However, alcohol consumption can have negative effects on many parts of the body, including the mouth. In this blog, we will explore the health risks of alcohol on oral health and the implications of these risks.

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Aging and oral health

Aging and oral health

As people age, they may be more likely to take multiple medications, which can have an impact on oral health. Some medications can cause dry mouth, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Other medications can cause changes in taste and appetite, which can lead to poor nutrition and oral health problems. Additionally, some medications can cause changes in the color of the teeth or the tissues in the mouth. It's important for older adults to talk to their dentist and physician about any medications they are taking and how they may impact oral health.

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