Slides of Before/Afters


Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What are metal braces?
Metal braces are small metal brackets that are glued to your teeth and connected with wires. They help straighten and align your teeth over time.

Question: Why would someone get metal braces?
People get metal braces to fix crooked teeth, gaps, or bad bites. When teeth are straight, it's easier to clean them and they look nicer when you smile.

Question: What are the benefits of metal braces?

  • Straight Teeth: They give you a straight and beautiful smile.

  • Improved Bite: They can help you bite and chew food better.

  • Long-lasting: Once your teeth are straight, the results can last a long time.

Question: Are there any risks or downsides to having metal braces?

  • Food Restrictions: You have to avoid eating really hard, sticky, or chewy foods.

  • Maintenance: You need to clean them carefully to prevent cavities.

Question: What's the difference between metal braces and clear aligners?
Metal braces are stuck to your teeth and you can't remove them until treatment is over. Metal braces require minimal work from the patient. Clear aligners are plastic trays that you can take off when you eat or brush, but they might not work for everyone or for very crooked teeth. Clear aligners are more work for the patient.