Wondering How to Ditch the Screens? Try These 5 Family-Friendly Activities in Manteca, California!

In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy for family members to get lost in their screens. If you're in Manteca, California, we've got your back with a list of 5 fantastic activities to help your family put those phones away. Let's dive into some fun that will not only bond your family but also promote a healthier lifestyle.

1. Bowling Bash:

Strike up some family fun at the Manteca Bowl! Bowling is a timeless activity that brings everyone together for laughs and friendly competition. Lace up those funky shoes, pick out your favorite ball, and let the strikes roll. Bonus: Bowling is an excellent way to sneak in some exercise without feeling like a workout.

2. Stroll Through Nature:

Manteca boasts beautiful parks and trails perfect for a leisurely walk. Head to the Promenade Park or the Tidewater Bikeway for a relaxing stroll surrounded by nature. Walking not only clears the mind but also gives your family a chance to connect and chat without the distraction of screens.

3. Hiking Adventure:

For the more adventurous families, explore the trails around the Oakwood Lake and Northgate Park. Hiking is a fantastic way to immerse yourselves in the great outdoors, and Manteca offers a variety of trails suitable for all levels. Don't forget to snap some pics of the beautiful scenery – a screen-free way to capture memories!

4. Picnic Paradise:

Pack a delicious picnic and head to Library Park. Spread out a blanket, indulge in some tasty treats, and enjoy quality time as a family. This simple yet delightful activity encourages everyone to put their phones down and savor the moment.

5. Community Events:

Stay updated on Manteca's local events calendar. From farmers' markets to cultural festivals, there's always something happening. Attend an event as a family and immerse yourselves in the vibrant community spirit. Engaging in local activities fosters a sense of connection while keeping the screens at bay.

6.  Bonus: Family Game Night:

Bring back the joy of board games! Choose from classics like Monopoly, Scrabble, or Pictionary. Gather around a table, engage in some friendly competition, and relish the moments of laughter and bonding.

Quirky Facts:

The world's largest bowling ball was over 2 feet in diameter and weighed a whopping 364 pounds!

The longest game of Monopoly ever played lasted for 70 straight days – talk about family commitment!