A Teenagers Nutritional Health Needs

As your child turns into a teenager they will be pretty much making their own decisions as far as what to wear for the day, what music to listen to and what friends to hang out with. They also may be ready to make decisions about eating healthy and taking care of their body. There are many important nutrients for a growing teenager's development. 

As a parent it is important to provide and teach your teen nutrient-rich meals to support their growth. They will thank you later in life!

Teenagers need plenty of calories as they are still growing and are typically active.  Calories measure the amount of energy in foods. The body needs more calories at adolescent age more than any other time. The average boy needs around 2,800 calories a day as a girl will need around 2,200 calories a day. Girls will typically eat fewer calories than boys.

The body's energy source will mainly come from the amount of nutrients they consume daily. Nutrients are essential. A growing teen should be eating;

  • 2 cups of fruit and 2 ½ cups of vegetables every day.

  • Three 1 cup servings of calcium which can come from milk or yogurt.

  • 40-50 grams of protein per day that come from white meat, nuts, eggs, beans and fish.

  • Carbohydrates: these should be 50-60% of your teen’s calorie intake. Carbs are converted into sugar glucose, the body’s main source for energy fuel. 

    • Whole grain bread, bananas, rice, potatoes, beans & yogurt are great options.

  • Vitamins and minerals, iron, fiber, zinc just to name a few. Some teenagers are deficient in these vitamins and a supplement may be used if needed.

  • Dietary fats. This should count for less than 30% of your teenagers diet. Olive oil, peanut oil, coconut oil, cashews, butters and creams, cheese and egg yolk are some options that can be monitored.

While healthy habits are best learned as children, adolescence is a great time to learn as well as the body is still growing and developing. Encourage your teen to make healthy decisions for their body. This will help develop positive body love, and also confidence.