Always Tired? The Surprising Dental Connection That Might Be Draining Your Energy!

Always Tired? The Surprising Dental Connection That Might Be Draining Your Energy!

Ever wonder why some days feel like an endless yawn? We've got the lowdown on the surprising reasons you might be feeling tired all the time. It turns out, your smile might have more to say about your energy levels than you think! Let's dive in with simple and savvy solutions for a pep in your step.

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Did you know that dolphins can't chew?

We need to keep our teeth healthy because we use our teeth to bite and chew, but did you know dolphins only use their teeth to grasp? Dolphins can’t chew, because dolphins’ jaws have no muscles. Chewing our food is important for enjoying our food and digesting our food. When we lose our teeth, we lose our ability to enjoy and digest our food. That's why full dentures are not always a good idea if they can be avoided. Denture wearers struggle to eat food. Like dolphins, they can grasp, but they can't fully chew. — Mas'ood Cajee, DDS, MPH; Manteca, CA