Do I have sinus pressure or a toothache?

With the cold weather approaching, it can cause some changes in our body. You might wake up one day and suddenly feel what you think may be a toothache. But in fact it may be sinus pressure. But how do we know if it's sinuses or a toothache? Here are some ways to help determine sinus or toothache.

 Our sinuses are located by our facial bones near our eyes and behind our cheekbones. Sinus pressure can be due to inflammation and swelling caused by sinus infection or allergies. Sinus tooth pain is mainly felt on the upper teeth and can cause pain on several teeth. The symptoms of tooth pain caused by tooth pressure can be;

Pain in teeth if you bend over

The pain eases up if you lay down

The good news is sinus pressure or sinus infection can easily be relieved at home. There are many home remedies that can help.

But if it is a toothache, it can be more defined as pain in or around one particular tooth. With a toothache you may experience sharp throbbing pain, foul taste or smell. You may get swelling in that area or a fever. If any of these conditions are going on make an appointment right away at Dr. Cajee’s Dental office and our friendly staff will take care of you.