What should I expect after a filling?

A tooth that has decay will require a filling.  A filling is necessary as soon as possible to prevent further decay and damage to the tooth.  After giving a bit of local anesthetic, the doctor will remove the decay from the tooth and fill it with a resin composite material. There are a few important steps that will help with taking care of your new filling.

It will take a few hours for numbness to wear off and some soreness and sensitivity can be expected.  Ibuprofen or Tylenol can be used as needed for any initial discomfort. If pain worsens instead of getting better, please give Dr. Cajee’s Dental Office a call.

Try and wait a few hours before eating. Chewing while numb can be dangerous and you may bite your tongue or cheek. Once your numbness has fully worn off, eat soft foods for the first day or so.  If you notice that when you are chewing your filling feels high or your bite feels off, please call our office and make an appointment to have your filling adjusted. Dealing with the filling high or off may cause headaches and mild pain.  Hot temperature foods and drinks  and cold temperature foods and drinks may cause some sensitivity in the first days. Please adjust slowly to hot and cold temperatures.

We are always here for you. If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to call Dr. Cajee’s Dental Office.