How Long Does the ClearCorrect Process Take?

How Long Does the ClearCorrect Process Take?

When you use the ClearCorrect process to enhance your smile, you will be required to wear plastic aligners over your teeth. These transparent aligners will improve your overcrowded teeth, open bite, or other orthodontic challenges. Since your teeth are unique, the amount of time that this process takes to improve your smile will vary. That said, you will usually spend up to two years using your aligners.

If you have more severe orthodontic challenges, you will probably need to spend more time wearing your comfortable aligners. If your orthodontic issues are fairly minor, your treatment may last for a shorter period of time. You’ll have appointments at our office in Manteca while you are receiving your orthodontic treatment. During these meetings, we will monitor the movements of your teeth and give you updates about your progress.

What Type of Teeth Issues Can This Treatment Address?

Correcting Overcrowded Teeth

If your jaw is not large enough to fit all of your permanent teeth, you might develop crowding issues. This problem can cause your teeth to shift within your mouth or overlap. In addition, your teeth might push through the back or front of your mouth.

These issues may cause you to feel embarrassed about your smile and have difficulty cleaning your teeth. Over time, your inability to thoroughly clean your overcrowded teeth may lead to dental decay or gum disease. Using aligners to correct this orthodontic problem can be a good way to lower your chance of developing these health problems.

Closing Gaps Between Your Teeth

We can also use this technique to close visible gaps between your teeth. Closing up your gaps will improve the appearance of your smile and decrease your risk of getting food stuck in your teeth.

Improving a Crossbite

A crossbite develops when your lower teeth cover some of the teeth in the upper area of your mouth. This issue can cause your gums to recede and increase your chance of experiencing gum disease. In addition, a crossbite might cause you to develop chipped teeth.

Addressing an Open Bite

An open bite occurs when you have a gap between your lower and upper teeth after you close your jaw. This problem can impair your ability to talk and chew food. If you have an open bite, we may be able to use aligners to shift your teeth and improve the functionality of your mouth.  

Fixing an Overbite

It’s normal for your top teeth to overlap in front of the lower teeth in your mouth. If you have an overbite, your upper teeth will protrude too far in front of your bottom teeth. This problem can cause your teeth to become worn. In addition, you might develop discomfort in your jaw and experience frequent headaches. Addressing your overbite may relieve these negative symptoms and allow you to feel more comfortable.

What Will Happen During My Orthodontic Treatment?

We will start your treatment by reviewing your orthodontic history and taking detailed impressions and photographs of your teeth.

Creating Your Plastic Aligners

We will use this information to provide you with customized aligners that will address your crossbite or other orthodontic challenges. In addition, we will show you digital visualizations that will display the current positions of your teeth and the improvements that you are likely to achieve in your smile.

Using Your Aligners

After you receive your customized, clear aligners, you will need to begin regularly wearing these orthodontic appliances. Although your instructions will be personalized, you will usually need to wear your aligners for about 22 hours each day. To achieve this goal, you should wear your aligners while you are sleeping.

During your treatment plan, you will be able to periodically remove these appliances. In particular, we will instruct you to take out your aligners when you are brushing, flossing, and rinsing your teeth. In addition, you should remove your aligners when you are drinking beverages or eating food.

Switching Out Your Aligners

As your teeth begin to improve, you will need to wear new sets of customized aligners. We will tell you when to switch out your old aligners and begin wearing a new set of orthodontic appliances.

How Much Does This Orthodontic Treatment Cost?

Receiving plastic aligners is a comfortable and cost-effective way to improve your smile, and this treatment is more affordable than many other teeth-straightening options. In general, the cost of this treatment might range from $1,000 to $7,000. As you might expect, the cost of this orthodontic treatment will depend on the severity of your orthodontic challenges, the type of teeth problems that you are trying to correct, and other factors.

During your initial appointment at our office, we will look at your teeth and discuss the specific improvements that you would like to see in your smile. Once we have assessed your teeth, we will give you more information about the likely cost of your orthodontic treatment.  

Will My Dental Insurance Cover the Cost of My Aligners?

Under some circumstances, your dental insurance may cover some of your costs. For example, some insurance plans may contribute $1,000 to $3,000 to the total cost of this teeth-straightening treatment. To learn more about your dental benefits, you should contact your insurance agent when you set up your initial meeting at our office in Manteca.

If you do not have dental insurance, you may able to use money from a health savings account or flex spending account to pay for your plastic aligners. In addition, you may decide to use financing options that will help you fit the cost of this orthodontic treatment into your monthly budget. For example, you may decide to use a CareCredit card to spread out the total cost of your aligners.

What Will Happen After I Finish My Treatment Plan?

Once your treatment plan is complete, you’ll be able to stop wearing your plastic aligners and begin to show off your new smile. However, you will probably need to start wearing a retainer. Regularly wearing your retainer will reduce your chance of needing additional treatments in the future. We will give you more details about the amount of time that you will spend wearing this new appliance once you finish your initial orthodontic treatment.

What Are the Benefits of Using This Process To Improve My Teeth?

Using this efficient method to correct your bite problems, crowded teeth, and other issues will give you many significant benefits that other orthodontic techniques will not provide.

You Can Remove Your Aligners

When you use traditional braces to change the position of your teeth, you will not be able to remove your brackets on your own. Although you can learn to clean around your braces when you brush, you will need to adjust your dental hygiene routine during your treatment. In contrast, you will be able to take out your customized aligners when you are brushing and flossing.

In addition, you’ll be able to remove your clear aligners before you eat or drink. As a result, you won’t have to worry about getting food particles stuck in these orthodontic appliances. Further, you won’t have to avoid foods that could damage your aligners. Instead of taking a break from eating whole apples, carrots, or other hard foods, you’ll be able to continue enjoying these items while you are improving your teeth.

Your Aligners Will Be Discreet

Your plastic aligners will be made of a transparent material. As a result, your aligners will not stand out when you smile or take a photograph of yourself. In fact, your colleagues, friends, and family members might be unable to determine when you are wearing your customized aligners. As a result, you will feel confident when you are giving an important work presentation or attending a social event with your friends.

You Can Continue To Play Sports

Some orthodontic appliances may become damaged when you play a team sport or engage in other athletic activities. Fortunately, you won’t be required to adjust your recreational activities when you use aligners to fix your orthodontic issues. Since your aligners will be customized to fit securely inside your mouth, you can wear these appliances when you play a sport or exercise.

Your Aligners Will Feel Comfortable

Some orthodontic appliances contain sharp edges or wires that could cause your mouth to become cut or bruised. Wearing this type of appliance can be very uncomfortable. In contrast, your aligners will be made of smooth plastic that does not contain protruding edges or sharp materials. Instead of dealing with bruises, cuts, and other unpleasant sensations, you will feel comfortable when you are wearing these customized appliances.

In addition, your aligners will use very gentle methods to shift your teeth into new positions. As you wear new sets of aligners, these orthodontic appliances will distribute an even amount of force onto your teeth.

Can I Purchase My Aligners Online?

When you start looking for ways to improve your teeth, you might be interested in purchasing your plastic aligners directly from a manufacturer. This is not a good idea, and you cannot purchase these orthodontic appliances on your own. To protect your safety, you will need to have your teeth examined by a healthcare professional before you start this teeth-straightening treatment.

When we look at your teeth, we will use our extensive training and experience to determine the best orthodontic treatment plan for you. Further, we will carefully monitor your response to your sets of aligners and make adjustments as you continue this treatment. As a result, you will be able to achieve more meaningful changes in your teeth when you receive your aligners from us.

Improve Your Smile

ClearCorrect is an affordable, effective treatment that can be used to address overcrowded teeth, open bites, and a wide variety of other orthodontic challenges. As you continue wearing your discreet, comfortable aligners, your smile will become straighter. To learn more about the many benefits of using this method to improve your teeth, you should contact us at Mas’ood Cajee DDS MPH in Manteca, California.